The kids are back in school and at our house we have settled back into that school year routine. And that means early mornings, homework afternoons and negotiating bedtimes. I was never a stickler for bedtime routines during the summer. We're all night owls so it never failed that my kids got their days and nights turned around. For many years I worked the graveyard shift. So if they slept during the day, then I was assured to get good sleep. But alas, the end of summer would arrive and the first day of school would loom large, letting me know that my night owl schedule was going to be revamped. Luckily it only took about a week to get my little cherubs straight again.
About a week before school I started the schedule. If they were sleeping all day I would get them to do a 24 hour day. I would keep them up all night and all day and they would be ready for bed on the second night. But of course, they would be exhausted and want to sleep all day again. I would only let them sleep until about 10am. Then I made sure they went to bed by midnight on the third day. Day four I would wake them at 9am and have them go to bed at 11pm, and so on. By the time school started they were back on a "normal" schedule. But sometimes it takes a little more.
My youngest started running late in the mornings. He always seemed tired. And yet I know he was in his bed, teeth brushed, lights out by 10pm. What was the deal? I found out that he was texting and face timing a friend of his. Well that's an easy fix, right? They say you shouldn't sleep with your cell phone next to your bed anyway. Something about cell phones emitting electromagnetic radiation. So I set up a charging station in the kitchen. Everyone could plug in their phones and let them charge all night. They're easy to make. I found this one on
However, a little more was needed. Even though they were going to their rooms and getting in bed, they were having a hard time falling asleep. So besides taking the phones out of their rooms, all electronics had to be shut down an hour before bed. Oh you should have heard the complaints and arguments. Seriously though, they need to be able to let their brains wind down. "But what are we going to do for an hour?" Well, how about getting everything ready for the next day. Make sure all homework is in the backpack. (I can't even tell you how many times homework was done and then left on the counter.) Lay out tomorrow's outfit. Is everything clean? No holes in the jeans? And then the best part. Read a book. I read to my kids every night when they were little. Now I think it's important that they read on their own a little every night.
None of this guarantees a hassle free bedtime. But these things have helped to regain the school year schedule and allowed my kids to get a good night's sleep. Now if only I can stay on a schedule.
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