I love my puppy. She's so cute. She's getting so big. Over 40 pounds now and 10 months old. She's so soft and...well...puppy.
She greets me at the door when I come home. So very excited to see me after being apart for 9 hours. She jumps up to see what I have in my hand. Something for her maybe? Usually not. But she is still full of enthusiasm as she prances down the hall to my bedroom. She'll jump up on my bed as I set my purse and work bag down. Then she will shove her head into my purse and start rooting around because I have undoubtedly hidden some tasty morsel in the darkest regions of my handbag just for her. And what she comes up with are my sunglasses. As I yell for her to drop them she jumps down and dives under my bed for cover. I can hear her crunching them before I can grab a broom to try and retrieve them. This is an everyday occurrence. I have started closing my purse up before setting it down, which does deter her from gaining access to whatever pair of sunglasses I have worn that day. But I have other pairs just waiting for her in a basket on my vanity. And they are just within her reach if she cranes her neck. I am tired of wearing sunglasses with teeth marks. So I found a solution.
The other day I went to Goodwill and found some picture frames that were priced so cheap I couldn't pass them up. Some of them had pictures in them, but there are no rules that say you can't take the pictures out. So I bought them. They were all 99 cents. One was of a little boy and girl on the beach. Cute. But nothing I wanted to keep.
Then it dawned on me. A way to keep my sunglasses out of puppy's reach. But first I would need to change out the picture in the frame. Since I was doing this for sunglasses and I miss the beach so very much, I decided on a favorite picture of my favorite place. Bolsa Chica Beach.
Then I cut the blue wire into smaller lengths to fit across the picture. I pulled them across the glass and tucked them behind the picture securing them with tape and fitting it all back into the frame.
I hung the picture next to my bedroom door. Then, I gathered up the sunglasses I could find. (I'm still missing my white ones with the polka dots!) I slipped the glasses onto the wires and voila! I now have a place to keep my glasses where I can see them all and just grab the ones I want as I'm walking out. Best of all, unless she grows 3 more feet, the puppy can't reach them.
That's a great idea! Problem solved.